Saturday 13 February 2016

                                      MY ART....!

Any person would be surprised when he finds out one find day about one of their talents all of a sudden. I am greatful to god for helping me realize this. Well, in here, i guess my mother is the major source of my inspiration.........she is the first artist that i have met ;) It was one of those special days when 3 of your friends have their birthdays all on the same day!! I wanted to surprise them.......and i began with drawing their portraits....;-) ......(pardon me i can't find those sketches at the moment, and will soon publish then when i get it in hand :D).....well, then came another birthday!! is that beautiful buddy of mine!! 

Yes...she is one pretty woman i know :) Amrutha.......i never thought it would come out so well that she found it good enough to grace the wall of her brand new home!! And the best part is......when you see the smile that graces the face of the person you draw!! That , than, inspired me to sketch one more of my buddy.....RIMPO!! ;)(he's a brick!!)
Well, now he's grown up a bit more :P......this was from one of our iv photos!!This guy here bought about a great opportunity in my life that i just cannot forget!! He happens to be a pillar of our union and awarded me with the oppotunity of sketching out the chief guest!! With god's grace, that personality was impressed.......and my hearty thanks and a lot more to this great guy in the above sketch!! well, here's the celebrity......(guess for urself ;P)