Friday 22 May 2015



                          Everyday I wake up to a lazy morning,followed by a delicious cup of tea by my mother, served with the daily news....Then the day goes by as usual,watching TV,talking,eating...and finally, sleeping. But few days back, 
I woke up to the bright and energetic chirping of the small birds on the trees surrounding my house.It was indeed a very happy and nice way to begin a day. That is when i began to notice many of those sights....It was evident that the trees and flowers had woken up long before and had been purified by the early morning shower of dew drops.Everything seemed so fresh; be it the sun kissed flowers which beamed with their colorful glory, or be it the tall and magnificent trees which stood strong with their crown of leaves spread about in grandeur.

The sunlight crept through the gaps of leaves and branches and gave everything a peculiar shine and enhanced beauty.The gentle breeze gave the plants a subtle movement and the whole place seemed to move as in a graceful dance form. The birds seemed too busy flying from one branch to another,chirping away to their heart's content.It was indeed a pleasure to watch the small squirrel jump about playing seek among the coconut and banana trees which take up most of the space in our courtyard( just like in any typical south Indian house!!) 
                                         As the day drew by, the sights became more interesting. The wild cat found it a pleasure to walk about the house, through the small lawn,between the trees, and sometimes between the clothes left to dry on the aisle and finally, go on top of the well and bask in the sun.But recently, after a row of scolding from my mother, she has contented herself to bask beside the well, and not on top of it.Finally,she completes her afternoon nap lying on the cold granite in the backyard.Every now and then, a pair of mongoose appears here and there from among the bushes, one running behind the other,and a few days back, they were found playing with the small white pebbles in the courtyard.
I was surprised as i never actually gave much attention to these small things and now, once i began to observe them, my day suddenly felt engaged and exciting! I was surprised at how patient a crow can be,as it kept plucking at the worn out and dried up branches ,some being bigger than it's own size!!, until it finally succeeded and flew away with the twigs. This activity continued for a good period of 30 minutes.Even during this session, it did not leave the poori that my mother had kept outside , unnoticed, and with a swift movement, grabbed it in it's beak and flew away. The butteflies and dragonflies  too were doing their daily rounds, fluttering about,through the whole place.
                                       As the sun began to set,the birds again grew busy with their good bye chirps and in their process to get back home.The flowers too seemed tired and many had already gone to sleep,drawing in their curtain of petals.The wind frizzled past the leaves and it seemed like they were applauding and withdrawing for the day.
  As the night crept in, it was now time for the bats and crickets, and, with no doubt, the bright fireflies.As it was monsoon, i could hear Mr. frog now and then. The moon lit the whole place with a silvery light and the sight of the beautiful moonlit night was indeed breathtaking!! Now and then i could see small bats fly about and during late nights,the comforting hoot of the owl.After taking all these in, I was contented with myself, and it seemed like a day well spent.

I just just narrated the incidents which actually take place around anyone. But come to think of it,most of us have lost the patience, or rather, we keep ourselves too busy to give ear to these acts of nature. Indeed, the world we live in is a beautiful place, and we are, in fact a very small fraction of it!!!! 

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