Wednesday 19 June 2019


I have always thought that I would be able to handle kind of criticism, racism, or discrimination and even though I am an Indian and as the taboo goes that Indians have a lot of such discrimination going on in the country, it is only when you go out of your country that you understand the real value of what you have. No matter how well developed and clean foreign countries might seem, and no matter how high they preach about being temperamental in accepting people from any background, there is always a sense of contempt towards Indians from the majority. It is only when you talk to the common man and have your own spoon of this soup that you really get to know all that. Yes, I agree that these kind of problems exist in our country too and they should be stopped. But majority of such issues exist among the citizens of our country and not towards the tourists or foreigners. Many take pride in defining themselves the upper class and privileged ones. 
There are various excuses they give to reason out their deeds. Any country in the world will have a mixture of kind, jealous, angry, selfish, happy, empathetic, crazy, and strong people. But just because they might have encountered one class of this whole mixture, that does not mean the entire country should reflect the same attitude and behavior. It is as crazy as eating a medium spice curry and just because you bit the chili, you name the entire dish as too spicy. Even though many have come out stating these problems and even though majority of the people do not admit that they are racist, when a situation occurs, most of them turn out to be so. This is not something that can be changed. At least not in the near future. Come to think of it, each and everyone of us are racist in some form or the other and the change should come from within us. I too admit that I might have unknowingly offended someone and I do deeply feel sorry for all that. Even the very small statements that are made everyday can have a big impact on people. Statements like " I don't know about you, maybe they do so in your country...But we are xxxxxxxx and we are very punctual" . This might have been said in casual conversation but come to think of it, won't you feel offended if someone says so to you? Yes! 
I don't know how many might see this post or whether anyone might see this post, but speaking out has made me quite relieved and I promise I will never again, not even unknowingly offend anyone so.